BBC Radio 4

If you missed it, below is the link for something called the Listening Project on BBC radio 4.

The producer Cathy Moorehead worked with us through the NDCS to bring Jenni and I together for a phone call. The call was recorded for an hour and a half. It was the first time we had ‘met’ each other. It was cut down to a short piece that was aired a few weeks ago. I come in at 7 minutes and 15 seconds. I hope you like it. I had no aims or agenda going into this call. I was told it would be a conversation about our journey when learning sign (BSL). I realise now that I wanted to share our story in the hope of raising awareness, de-stigmatising signing and supporting anyone else on a similar journey.

Link is here or you can click on the image below:

One thought on “BBC Radio 4

  1. Thank you. The now familiar combination of humbling and inspiring personified in everything you say, and all that you don’t. Listening to this has prompted my first re-resolve of 2022… Sign me up to learn to sign.



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